Our Mission

The purpose of the USC Economics Association is to foster a strong community of economics students, faculty, and alumni, and to allow USC students to engage with economics beyond the classroom setting. The Economics Association provides diverse programming ranging from policy discussions to film screenings to networking events. 

What We've Achieved

  • In October 2016, we organized a lively debate on the economic policies of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

  • In Spring 2017, we worked with the Economics Leadership Council to organize an Economics Networking Night. Alumni from industries such as consulting and investment banking spoke with current students about their respective fields. 

  • Since 2021, we’ve held weekly or biweekly coffee chats with professors, giving students an opportunity to reconnect with the department.

  • In the Spring 2023, we held another successful symposium focusing on Big Tech and Antitrust.

  • For our 2023-24 school year we intend to continue hosting events and expanding the Economics Association!